6' Single Velocity Wave Slide

Model Number: 67776
The 6 Single Velocity Wave Slide offers exciting fun for kids aged 5-12 years. No playground is complete without one (or more) exhilarating slides and the wave slide will have children lined up to enjoy with their friends and family. The unique structure of the slide features a wave like design that creates a fun experience for kids who have a need for speed. The rotationally molded plastic slide provides a virtually seamless structure that is UV resistant to fading an
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Financing as low as $190.90/moFinancing as low as $190.90/mo

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Weight (LB) 774
Includes 3.5"O.D. Steel Posts,12ga. Punched Steel Platform,1-5/16"O.D. Handrails,Access Ladder,1-1/16"O.D. Barrier Enclosure,Plastic Visor Hood,6' Zip Slide
Age Range 5 to 12
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